Thursday, 15 November 2012

I believe in belief

“I had belief. I did not know, or for the moment care, what exactly it was I had to believe in. I only knew that belief in something was the first step away from believing in nothing, the first step away from a world which only recognised what it could count, measure, sell or buy.” [Paul Torday]

“Salmon fishing in the Yemen” is a book about dreams that come true. A sheikh from the Yemen wants to introduce salmon fishing, which he really enjoys, to his desert country. His idea sounds like madness but he is determined so much that he finds people who are able to help him. The first person is Harriet Chetwoode-Talbot, a consultant and his representative in the UK. The second one is Alfred “Fred” Jones who is the British government expert in salmon fisheries. As a scientist Fred doesn’t believe in success of the project. At the beginning he tries to boycott this crazy idea but due to political reasons his boss pushes him harder to engage in this job. What is more, after a couple of meetings and conversations with the sheikh, Fred starts to understand the curiosity of the sheik’s point of view. Impossible things start to be a challenge. Inability is just the border which has to be crossed. Dreams are going to be the purpose and finally they come true.

The political and social background of all decisions which are made when the Salmon Fishing project is realized is fabulously described. It makes this book more meaningful and important. The characters’ personal life is also shown as a layered surface which makes the novel extraordinary and surprising as well as realistic. 
“I believed in belief. I didn’t exactly feel as if I was on the road to Damascus, and I was aware I could not think straight because of the power of the sun, but now I knew what the Yemen salmon project was all about. It had already worked its transformation on me. It would do the same for others.” [Paul Torday]

This marvelous book written by Paul Torday, followed by the beautiful film directed by Lasse Hallström (with a slightly different screenplay in comparison to the original book), transforms lives. It has transformed the author’s reality from being an engineer to reaching success in writing. It transforms the way of thinking from “believing in nothing” to “believing in something”. 

„A truth to believe, believe, believe before you die, die, die...” [Jo Twist]

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