Last Friday the Polish Parliament rejected three proposed draft bills giving civil partnership rights to heterosexual and homosexual couples. All three proposals, presented by three different parties did not grant couples in civil partnerships the same rights as married couples, even though there was no majority in the Parliament to pass any of these projects. Therefore Polish modern couples, who live together without being married, have to face problems in their lives, from tax returns through to receiving health information or inheritance rights. The most ridiculous thing is that they can move to another European country such as the UK and sign their civil partnership documents without any problems, as Poland is a member of the European Union. This shows that Polish law is unable to keep up with changes in society.
Unfortunately it wasn’t the worst thing which happened on Friday in Poland. In the House of Parliament one of the deputies, Krystyna Pawłowicz, said: "Society cannot finance structures and institutions, which do not allow society to last." She used the words: “useless” and “idle” regarding homosexuals, which sounded like a joke while it was said by a 60 years old single woman without any children. However this was no joke.
It is hard to believe that a member of the government is allowed to say something so offensive without taking any formal responsibility for this. The Polish government works in this way, I’m afraid. Once a minister offended a prostitute by saying that she, as being a prostitute, was unable to be raped… These kind of outrageous phrases are still said publicly.
The situation devastated me as for me it is no less than breaking Human Rights, which shouldn’t take place in a civilized country. It made me deeply sad as I know that for a lot of Polish young, smart, well educated professionals it’s an additional reason to leave their country and choose another place where they can live more comfortably, even as strangers. It alarmed me as this problem is not a battle between modernity and tradition or a young and old generation but it is a fight for basic human rights – the right to live worthily. A society is sick if their members are unable to tolerate each other with regards to the basic differences like another life style or sexual preferences… it makes me sick to observe that the Polish government simply do nothing to reduce the differences and make us, as a Polish society, more united.
As Pawłowicz said: "Society cannot finance structures and institutions, which do not allow society to last." My dear gay friends… do not worry… I’m more idle and useless than you are. I’m childless AND an emigrant so I am destroying Polish society in two ways. What is more, I’m ashamed and embarrassed because of the words which were spoken in our House of Parliament and I’m standing against them… I won’t keep calm and drink tea…
increase of cases
infection is very
unpleasant but it is short-lived and most
people recover in a couple of days
everyone has a right
to respect for family life
(article 8 of European convention of human rights)
How to change the pattern
It takes more than average confidence to break this
pattern. You have to tackle it as a habit: in small ways
in safe situations. Build up a strong attitude, work out
a strategy and get your friends and family to reinforce
you. It's not you that's bad, it's your response to the
situation. Being passive may have worked for you as a
child, but it doesn't work now, and it's time to change.
Pay for your
everyday life
till death do us part
Napisane z pazurem, czuć te emocje, które targają autorką, ale jeśli chodzi o stronę merytoryczną to są to, za przeproszeniem, wypisy z wybiórczej i lisweeka.
ReplyDeleteJeśli rzeczywiście chodzi o ulgi podatkowe i przy dziedziczeniu, to właściwym kierunkiem byłoby po prostu obniżenie podatków dochodowych i likwidację podatku "od śmierci" dla wszystkich. Twierdzenie, że brak legalizacji związków partnerskich przez państwo jest złamaniem Praw Człowieka - nie ma podstaw. Nie da się konsekwentnie wywieść i uzasadnić z Praw Człowieka (pomijając sam fakt słabego uzasadnienia istniena P Cz - w gruncie rzeczy istnieje tylko prawo własności, w dzisiejszym świecie nieustannie łamane przez "oświecone" rządy).
Hej Grzegorzu, mam wrażenie, że nie dokończyłeś swojej wypowiedzi... albo zgubiłeś "tego" w ostatnim zdaniu albo nie napisałeś czego nie da się uzasadnić. Nie mniej jednak absolutnie się z Tobą nie zgadzam. To, że Prawa Człowieka nie są przestrzegane, bo rządzą nami egoiści, którym zależy na pieniądzu nie znaczy, że ich nie ma... a już na pewno nie znaczy, że nie mamy o nie walczyć. Wręcz przeciwnie - to obliguje nas by nie milczeć, nie chować glowy w piasek, tylko walczyć!!!
DeleteArtykuł ósmy europejskiej konwencji o prawach człowieka mówi zaś, że mamy prawo do życia rodzinnego... zabierając więc to prawo osobom, które nie chcą zawierać formalnego małżeństwa (ale CHCĄ formalnie podpisać dokumenty o partnerstwie co oznacza, że nie chcą żyć na tak zwaną "kocią łapę") lub osobom homoseksualnym (które zasadniczo na razie nie mają nawet alternatywy w postaci jakiejkolwiek) to prawo jest łamane... no chyba, że próbujesz mi powiedzieć, że tego typu osoby nie są ludźmi...
<3 we shall not fear, our day will come!
ReplyDeleteI deeply believe in it... "We will perform only one miracle and that miracle will be the miracle of the revolution" [Jo Twist]